So, do dreams really come true? And how do you make your dreams your reality? This final collection inspirational quotes about dreams coming true prove without a doubt that we are capable of seeing our dreams become a reality. Never give up, never stop dreaming, and with patience all things are possible.
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Ever since the long night of Reagan presidency, when the holds to corporate plunder were unbarred, we have been savoring the sleepy notion that free people have the right to get as much as they can, however they can, without the need for laws to control what they will do to get what they want. In our Ripvanwinkel state, still dreaming that our piece of the American Pie was just there for the taking, the ants, roaches, and mice were devouring it bite-by-bite.
I totally agree with the first comment from Dan Bednarz, that for Americans to create a "Just World," we must include "ecological realities like where doesStuff comes from on this finite planet? Is the fuel we use to heat or cool our homes going to be dirty?" Is so-called "clean coal" going to spew mercury and toxic grit into our Air supply? Is Oil worth the cost of Human Sacrifice in the Millions? How many oil spills can our Oceans take? Or will we follow McCain's insane vision of 45 nuclear power plants? Thus making billions for a few, and requiring perpetual war to prevent terrorists from stealing Our Deadly Waste! And what about the U.S. Weapon of Mass Destruction, Depleted Uranium which kills our Soldiers and Innocent Civilians while poisoning the Planet! In the midst of this nightmare there are a few million who hold a Vision of clean, safe Energy from the sun, wind, oceans, hemp, geothermal, etc. We must demand of those in our government to support the joint efforts of Rep. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich to pass The Industrial Hemp Act of 2008, allowing Us to Grow Hemp for food, fuel, fiber, paper, plastics and oxygen! Both men also stand for our God given right to Medical Marijuana: Genesis, Chap. 1, Verse 29. We must also demand that Congress protect us from Monsanto type agendas of starvation by use of poisonous pesticides, petrochemical fertilizers, and sterile, bioengineered seeds. See Frontline's documentary "Suicide Seeds" and demand it be shown in Congress! On my car there is a bumper sticker which says "No Justice - No Peace" with a quote from Rev M. L. King,Jr, "True Peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the Presence of Justice." In my Vision for a "Just World," We, The People will have Organic food, free from artificial flavors and colors that come from coal tar and petrochemicals. Our food will be free of MSG, aspartame, growth hormones, and thousands of synthetic additives "generally recognized as safe..." We will grow Organic Gardens All Over the World! We will eat "all natural," whole grains and animals raised compassionately - obesity and diabetes will dis- appear. We will respect the World's Rivers and Oceans, and stop dumping waste into them, killing the coral reefs and other living ecosystems. These "ecological realities" were addressed 30 odd yrs ago in E.F. Schumacher's book: "Small is Beautiful - Economics As If People Mattered." My Vision would make it mandatory reading for Big Business and Govt. Not only must we choose wisely "where stuff comes from," but we must also be responsible for where all our stuff goes on Space Ship Earth! If we all shared Mahatma Gandhi's Vision of "Enough for everyone's need, not everyone's greed," we might succeed!
As a Canadian, I think that its past time for Americans to stop dreaming and wake up. The Titanic has already hit the iceberg, and you keep repeating reveries of American exceptionalism. Americans, like those who built the Titanic, believes that America is unsinkable. I don't know if democracy will ever come to the US, but few people observing the American political process from the outside mistake it for a democracy.The American government is a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America, with a political in which the 2 wings of the Capitalist Party, Republicans and Democrats, is legitimate.
I would love for America to stop being such a divisive place, and that we, the people, could look at each other as humans rather than dollars to be made or dollars to be lost. We are so lucky to have the freedoms and opportunities we do, but our society doesn't seem to be fostering the concept of respect for our fellow Americans, nor for the global community. It's my opinion that freedom and opportunity is wasted if it's not coupled with social responsibility and realism. We need more than money to fix the problems in this country. We need to care about one another and to encourage our citizens to be the best people they can be, in a way that comes natural to them.
I think it would be cool if the American Dream was to have integrity and not tolerate anything less. I also think it would be cool if we could just call George Bush out and be like...."No way, man. This (point around the room) is not how it's going to be. You need to pack your bags, and go do some jail time, cuz we're not doing this." Then, the population would be like.."Oh, and you know what else? We're gonna count our own ballots from now on. You guys can't be trusted, and we're tired of your crap. So move on out." Then, after that, all the people in America who were in their teens to 40's would be like..."By the more old people. We've had enough. We love you--we'll miss you when you die. But honestly, you can't keep up with what's going on. You don't know what the internet is, you still think attack ads are cool, and you're starting to make the Supreme Court house smell like peas and Bengay...So, why don't you go home and learn some Sudoku, because your political career is over." Then, we'd throw a huge going away party for all the old people, and we'd wish them the best of luck and happiness in their retirement. The next day, we'd sober up and start making America awesome. We'd elect a group of individuals who represented all the colors of America and we'd release all the potheads from jail and tell them to make snacks for Voting Day--which would become a national paid holiday. Then, we'd just have, like, tailgate parties with no booze outside of all the voting booths in America. And there would be face painting, and free hotdogs paid for by the American dollars we are no longer using to pay for the war on drugs/terror. We'd laugh and talk about issues, and make a big deal out of not being a bigot-loser. And things would just start to fall into place. We'd offer Bill Moyers a job as the Press Secretary--and we'd ask him to keep doing the awesome job he's always done on reporting the truth--with integrity.Then we'd appoint a real supreme court, consisting of a lot more people, and make lobbying a crime. Oh, and we'd cut the ropes that currently tie together corporations and the government. We'd be like..."Whatever, if you can't stop polluting the Earth, and using up all our limited resources, then you're not allowed to be a company any more. You know why? Because we're all in this together. Just because you're rich and greedy does not mean that you can kill our fish and pollute our skies."Then, we'd invest all of our money into education, technology, and green jobs. That would be a way cooler American dream.
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